Airport Crash Trucks


This vehicle started out life as set#6440, the Jetport Fire Squad. This was one of
original vehicles that started life six studs wide. I have added a second frontaxle and changed
all of the axles to independent suspension. I also added a second set of doors for the
seat passengers confort.


This vehicle started life as set #6614, Launch Evac. Originally, this vehicle was only four
studs wide. All I did was rebuild the vehicle as a six stud wide vehicle using the original
instructions as sort of a guide.


This also started life as set #6614. I added an extra axle at each end and and a
second passenger seat using the same design concept as above


A slightly better view showing the equipment racks and pump panel


Same concept again, but only an extra rear axle has been added

From an original set, it was easy to develop these three different vehicles by looking
at real life and see that there are three different sizes of aircraft rescue vehicles

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